The district IT team is hosting a Smash Brothers tournament for elementary students grades 1st-6th at Cypress Elementary on May 18th starting at 4PM. Registration will be open now through May 16th. To sign up please go to the link here:
The Joshua Circle Elementary School PTC is accepting nominations for positions on the PTC Board for the 22-23 school year. All positions are currently open. If you are interested in being part of PTC, and serving on the board, please take a look at the board responsibilities and positions. If there is a position you are interested in running for, please use the link to nominate yourself. Nominations will close on Monday, May 16th. Once nominations are received, elections will be held. Paper nomination forms can also be picked up in the front office.
Joshua Circle wants to continue to build a program that meets the needs of your student and that develops strong partnerships within our school community. Please answer the following questions using the link by Friday, May 13, 2022. Thank you for your participation!
Joshua Circle quiere continuar construyendo un programa que satisfaga las necesidades de su estudiante y que desarrolle asociaciones sólidas dentro de nuestra comunidad escolar. Por favor, conteste a las siguientes preguntas antes del viernes 13 de mayo de 2022. Gracias por su participación y apoyo continuo este año escolar.
Our next School Site Council Meeting will be Tuesday, March 15, 2022.
You can find the agenda here:
Our next School Site Council Meeting will be Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 3:00 PM. Click the link to view the agenda!
Ranchero road widening project to begin soon. Please click the link for more info:
Dear parents/guardians,
If your student is an English learner, we would like to hear your thoughts regarding your school's program for English learners. This information will help us to improve the services and support that we provide to our English learners. Please complete one survey for each school that your children attend. The survey will be open until January 28, 2022. Thank you.
Estimados padres/tutores,
Si su estudiante está aprendiendo el inglés, quisiéramos saber sus opiniones sobre el programa para aprendices de inglés de su escuela. Esta información nos ayudará a mejorar los servicios y apoyo que les brindamos a nuestros estudiantes. Por favor complete una encuesta para cada escuela a la cual sus hijos asisten. La encuesta estará abierta hasta el 28 de enero de 2022. Gracias.
Hesperia's Jolly Parade December 17th from 4pm-7pm. If you missed Santa at one of his stops, join us at Civic Plaza Park at 7pm for photos and hot chocolate!
Our next School Site Council Meeting is Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. Please visit the link to see the agenda.
There will be no school on Thursday or Friday this week in Honor of Veterans Day
Please click the link for HUSD's press release on Governor Newsom's COVID-19 Student Vaccine Proposed Mandate:
Red Ribbon Week Spirit Days 10/25-10/29!
Our next School Site Council Meeting is Tuesday, October 19, 2021. Please visit the link to see the agenda.
Don't forget that there is no school next week!
Our first School Site Council meeting will be on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 3:00.
Don't forget that minimum days for Parent Conferences start tomorrow, Tuesday, September 21st through Friday, September 24th.
Our first English Language Advisory Committee meeting will be held tomorrow, Friday 9/17/21 @ 9:00 a.m.
Hello Bulldog Families! Please don't forget that next week, Tuesday through Friday, 9/21/21 - 9/24/21, are minimum days for parent conferences. If you have any questions, please call the office at 760-244-6133.
City of Hesperia Cleanup Day October 23 from 8 am - 12 pm. Register at